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Welcome To Morning Glory

Play, learn

and grow together.


Welcome To Morning Glory

Play, learn

and grow together.

Why Choose Us

Great Teachers image

Great Teachers

We have great teachers who are great at taking care of children and can teach children in a friendly manner

Delicious Meal image

Delicious Meal

We serve the childrens’ with delicious and nutritious food for there proper body growth.

Excellent Programmes image

Excellent Programmes

We, at Morning Glory, are focused on extra curriculum which are excellent for the vital growth of childrens

Exciting Games image

Exciting Games

Fun games which can help a child develop properly is really important. These games are our strong point.

How to Enroll Your Child to a Class?

Our Educational Programs

baby kiddie image

baby kiddie

1 to 2

Fooding Extra Curriculum Activity Games

mini kiddie image

mini kiddie

2 to 4

Fun Games Teaching Alphabet Fooding

super kiddie image

super kiddie

4 to 6

Physical Games Teaching Alphabets Fooding  

Elements of Learning.

Our curriculum is based on the research of the most renowned education experts. Designed by our education team, it’s created to support these important early years, to inspire children to be bold explorers today and joyful, confident learners for life.

Elements of Learning. image
